LAND Rentals Become an Easy Process via Decentraland’s Marketplace
With LAND rentals becoming a simple process you can complete without having to leave the Marketplace, building in Decentraland just became a whole lot easier and more accessible. Learn everything you need to know to create something great in DCL.
Renting LAND in Decentraland has recently become a quick and easy process anyone can complete without ever having to leave the DCL Marketplace. Since the launch of rentals, only a week ago, already 200+ listings have been posted by LAND owners! Renters will find a listing to suit every need and budget with sizes ranging from one parcel plots to estates of up to 61 LANDs and daily rental costs between 1 and 1,000 MANA. If ever a lack of LAND ownership was holding you back from starting a project in Decentraland, now’s the time to put those ideas into action!

Once you’re in Decentraland’s Marketplace, click on the ‘Land’ tab near the top of the page. This will take you to the listings of all LANDs both for sale and for rent. To only see rental options simply select the ‘Available to rent’ option in the Status menu on the left.
After finding the LAND you want to rent, you’ll need to select the rental period. This is the amount of days you will have control over the LAND. Rather than being able to rent for a customized amount of time, you will be able to rent for set periods, depending on what options the LAND owner has selected. The potential rental period options are 1, 7, 30, 60, 90, 180, and 365 days.
You may also want to keep in mind that your rental period will start immediately, so you should plan accordingly to have your scene already developed and ready to be deployed by the time you are signing a rental agreement. After selecting the rental period, you will see the total price to be paid for the rent. The total amount must be paid upfront.
If you don’t have enough funds for the rent, don’t worry! You can buy Ethereum MANA using the new widget in the Marketplace, or on MoonPay’s dedicated MANA buy page.

The last step before finalizing the rental agreement, will be entering the wallet address of whomever it is you want to be able to manage the LAND (deploy scenes). It can be yourself or any other address you choose, such as your developer. You’ll also have the option to change this later on in the Builder. Once you complete the rental process, you can start working on your LAND or deploy a scene using the Builder or the SDK. More on that below.

Things to keep in mind
Decentraland’s renting system allows LAND Owners and Tenants to rent LAND in a secure and trustless way. By using a combination of signatures stored in a server handled by the Decentraland Foundation (off-chain) and Ethereum transactions (on-chain), renting from the DCL Marketplace gives both parties peace of mind so that they can confidently engage in business without worrying about scams.
Renters can also rest assured that their temporary ownership of the LAND won’t be interrupted by an untimely eviction, as LAND cannot be sold while it’s being rented by a user. Additionally, renters should be aware that while they can freely use their rented LAND however they wish, they do not get the benefit of the LAND’s Voting Power. As this governance proposal has passed, LAND’s Voting Power remains with landowners.
If you still have questions or want to check the technical details, you can find more information in the Rentals documentation.
#How to build something amazing on your rented LAND
So now you’ve rented some LAND and you want to make your vision for it a reality. What to do next?
Find Verified Studios to build for you
If your plans for your rented LAND are big but your knowledge of Blender and coding are small to non-existent, then you’re going to need the help of some talented creators! Luckily, you don’t have to go far to find trusted professionals with just the skills you’re looking for.
The Decentraland Foundation and DAO have compiled a talent directory of creators and other professionals they’ve worked with and can recommend for future projects. At this time, the directory can be found under ‘Metaverse Studios’ in the Content Creator section of Decentraland’s Documentation.
Currently there are 180+ studios to choose from, but the directory is still new, so even more are sure to be added in the future. You’re guaranteed to find a skilled professional for whatever task you may need done, whether it’s designing and deploying a structure, creating Wearables and Emotes, or even helping you plan, develop, and execute a fully-fledged interactive experience. You can also use the filter function to find studios that are in your timezone and speak the same language as you to ensure the studio you end up choosing will be a good fit.
Start browsing the directory of Verified Studios.
Build yourself
If creating 3D models and coding with Decentraland’s SDK sounds more like a fun challenge (or even a normal day) than an impossible task, then you’re probably planning on creating and deploying scenes to your rented LAND yourself.
Generally, any information you might need for creating in Decentraland can be found in the Content Creator section of the Docs. Here you’ll be able to learn the basics about Decentraland’s SDK and much more. Building scenes purely with the SDK is only recommended for experienced coders.
If you’re not very familiar with coding but still want to take matters into your own hands, then you can try designing basic scenes using the Decentraland Builder. This is a bit like a drag and drop designer where you can create a simple scene from a set of pre-loaded 3D models. You’ll also have the option to import custom models to the Builder, such as those you may have made yourself or something from the Awesome Repository.
The Awesome Repository is a collection of open source assets that can be used in Decentraland scenes. There you’ll find a large collection of 3D models of many things, from a cactus to a jukebox. You can also find the code for game mechanics, entire scenes, features that would be useful for event hosting, and much more. Visiting the Awesome Repository is simply a MUST if you’re planning on building in Decentraland!
Check out the Awesome Repository.
#The potential of LAND rentals
There’s no question that having access to your own LAND in Decentraland opens up many possibilities. But actually owning LAND yourself can be difficult if you don’t have a big budget and may not even be necessary for most temporary projects or activations. Renting LAND is an obvious solution for a project in the metaverse. In any case, if you change your mind and want to buy, you can always take whatever you’ve built and deploy it anywhere. Renting LAND is a great way to dip your toes in the waters of the metaverse and see what it can offer you.
Having the option to rent LAND directly from Decentraland’s Marketplace makes renting more accessible to a wider audience and takes away a lot of the guesswork and uncertainty of renting from independent individuals outside of Decentraland. You don’t have to go looking around the internet for listings either—now you can find the perfect plot of LAND, complete the rental process, and even find partners to build with all from so you can be sure your transactions are trustworthy and secure.
Have you ever wondered what you would build if you had your own LAND in Decentraland? Imagine what Decentraland would look like if every DCL citizen was able to make their idea a reality! With LAND rentals now an easy and more affordable process, we’re one step closer to making that happen.
LAND in Decentraland can be used for just about anything. Build a stage and put on a show, create a customized place to hang out with friends or host your own community, develop and launch a game, display art at your own art gallery, or even host a digital twin of an event you’re organizing in the real world so that more people can attend! As usual, the possibilities in the metaverse are endless.